How does Infrared Light Therapy work and how can it help?
Red and near infrared light penetrates through the skull and onto the outer part of the brain. The light impulse is absorbed by the cell batteries, the mitochondria, and the cells get active (a bit like putting your phone on a charger, the red light is the energy source and it ‘charges’ or creates energy for the mitochondria (batteries of the cell) and makes them active again. Thus, the activation of the mitochondria energises the neurons which then starts the flow of energy throughout the body again. This activation of the neural pathways has improvement on movements and mobilities of people with Parkinson’s disease. Thus the direct effect of red and near infrared light reduces the severity of Parkinson’s disease symptoms.
What is the Coronet?
The helmet (called a Coronet) is made out of aluminium with 8 legs which are individually wired with powerful LED lights. People with Parkinson’s disease wear it on their head for 20 minutes a day. There are two types of Coronets, the Mono & Duo - click here for a detailed list of FAQs.
What does the treatment feel like?
Wearing the Coronet (the helmet) is completely painless, it rests on a person’s head, like a crown and the lights are switched on, it is light (made from aluminium) and can be adjusted to suit the individual.
Are there any side effects of infrared treatment?
There are no known side effects to the Coronet infrared treatment.
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