
What an amazing piece of kit!

I am using the machine twice a day, morn’ and afternoon. I am slowly acquiring a sense of smell, something I have not had since 2001. I also feel that my cognitive function has improved.

EC via email on 25 May 2022

Thankful for getting this

Just one week, I feel better sleep better, better mood and stronger in the ON time. I was diagnosed 5 years ago. Hoping to get more benefits in the coming days. Thanks very much to the researchers of the Coronet, and thank God to give them wisdom and love for the patients. Have bought the 2nd one for my friend.

Kao on 28 December 2021

we are happy with your product

thanks for the Duo coronet. since she started us it, she slept well three nights straight that mean whe did not wake me up. that was so nice to me. I slept well first time in many years.

Shimo, Japan via email on 6 November 2021

I am getting my life back - plus unexpected benefits

In September 2020 I tripped on some uneven concrete, stumbled and then fell, breaking my jaw in a guardsman fracture. The break was almost at the top of the left condyle, which meant that surgery wasn't an option. The bone was unable to be wired. So treatment was no treatment and a diet of pureed food. It seemed to be healing nicely. But exactly four weeks later, I woke up one morning, sure that the jaw had broken afresh. I have had varying degrees of discomfort with it since then. Jaw exercises helped to some degree, but my daily living was adversely affected. Up until then, I had been fairly successful in keeping the Parkinson's at bay with a mixture of yogs, qi gung, tai chi, walking, climbing stairs and PD Warrior exercises. The main problem was that I was unable to exercise. Predictably, the Parkinson's worsened and for the first time in eight years, I started having "Off" times. My long-held belief that I could beat this thing was shaken to the core. My confidence was king-hit. I shilly-shallied making the simplest of decisions, often changing my mind - again- midway through something. Enter the Coronet - and its side effects. I started having positive improvements in my jaw - within days. It was nothing short of amazing! So I am seeing light at the end of the tunnel. The "Off" times are decreasing both in length and severity. I am getting my life back. I have every confidence that things will continue to improve.

Kathy from Cairns on 31 August 2021


I have been using my coronet for two months now mainly twice a day and sometimes 3 times a day. The improvements are subtle but noticeable. Sleep is better and no more restless leg syndrome. Also I am getting my sense of smell back. I like the fact that it is not another pill I need to take and if it can moderate or delay the progression of secondary symptoms that are part of Parkinson's disease it is well worth the investment

Stuart David Frame on 3 August 2021

It has been a good investment

I have been using the Coronet twice a day, religiously for about a month and advise as follows: 1 I feel stronger and friends and family have observed I am walking better (although my back pain returns after about 4ks.) They did not know I was using the Coronet, I no longer use my walker in our apartment. My legs still occasionally freeze but nowhere near as much. 2 My balance is better, I have been at risk of falling over only once this last month, compared to the previous month when I received 7 stitches above my eye when I fell over. I concede this result may be because my body didn’t like the experience and is doing an auto cautionary adjustment. 3 I’m experiencing improved movement, getting in and out of the car, writing has improved. 4 Some of the above comments came from recent acquaintances (PD support group) who were unaware that I was using the Coronet, some came from long standing friends and a few (4) from family. One long standing friend whom I meet every month was astounded at how easily I moved in and out of his car. Over time he has been increasing his help to me getting in and out of his car. 5 Generally I feel my hand-eye co-ordination has improved, not only my handwriting, but throwing a tennis ball (as if juggling) and catching it cleanly. I expect to be able to juggle in an elementary sense, quite soon.

Sam Cannon on 18 July 2021

Very grateful to have it

I have been using my coronet for 2 months now and continue to show an improvement from its use. I still use it twice a day and find things start to wear off after about 8 hours. My tremor in my left hand has greatly improved. My speaking is becoming clearer and my mind has me back doing cryptic crosswords. If I can do them, it must be helping. I sleep well and have no depression or stress. Walking continues to be a problem and I am doing exercises to try and build up my leg strengths. All in all, I am very grateful to have it. Also, my wife tells me that the thrashing of arms while I sleep has gone.

Les, NSW, Australia (update) on 7 January 2021

We can only say thank you.

I first used it 01/11 and found it comfortable and light on my head. I have used it twice a day, 6am and 6pm. After the 2nd use at 6am the next morning, I found to my surprise at 11 am the tremor had gone and it stayed that way all day. I am finding I stay without tremor or very little until about 4pm when my tremor comes back slightly, very slightly.

Les, Australia on 10 November 2020

We can only say thank you.

I first used it 01/11 and found it comfortable and light on my head. I have used it twice a day, 6am and 6pm. After the 2nd use at 6am the next morning, I found to my surprise at 11 am the tremor had gone and it stayed that way all day. I am finding I stay without tremor or very little until about 4pm when my tremor comes back slightly, very slightly.

Les, Australia on 10 November 2020

So Far So Good

40 year old Parkinson Patient dx 2 years ago. No Parkinsons meds yet. Only had it for 2 weeks and it has basically fixed my sleeping problem. Was waking up 8-10 times a night, now it’s 1-3. Also able to sleep in. PWP needs sleep more than average people. Also improved stiffness and dexterity in my hands. All in about 2 weeks!! If you have Parkinsons, you need this. NO SIDE EFFECTS

Cameron Hermansen on 10 October 2020

Highly recommend this

My father was diagnosed with Parkinson’s and dementia approx 2.5 years ago. We got one of these helmets and dad uses it everyday for 20 mins. His Parkinsons has reversed from shuffling, very limited mobility eating etc., to now only a small shake in one hand. His dementia has been kept at bay, managed very well with meds. Highly recommend this to anyone with early stage Parkinsons.

SS on 23 September 2020

Loved it

My father has Alzheimers. Today (a few days after starting the Coronet) he woke up feeling at himself too, he loved it.

Mr AM - Greece on 8 July 2020

Much happier

Dad (with Alzheimer’s) has started to notice some changes since using the Coronet, which is probably about 2 months now. He’s recently regained his sense of smell and his taste has improved. Dad has had a terrible, terrible time with fecal incontinence but has just started to say that he has started to recognise the ‘signal’ that he needs to go to the toilet again. He is also much happier, has started singing around the house again and is (finally!) sleeping through the night once more.

Ms ME - Sydney on 8 July 2020


My husband (with Parkinson’s) and I were just talking about how he is feeling. I asked him how he used to feel, he said, "I felt foggy and off colour all the time, especially in the mornings, now I feel good every morning, things are much more clear!” He told me he used to not feel like walking or going to the gym. Now he is looking forward to walking in the mornings. He is outside working in the garden again this morning.

Mrs ST NSW on 8 July 2020

Parkinson's disease

It’s like the disease has been stopped.

Mr BM - Tasmania on 7 July 2020


I was diagnosed with Parkinsons Disease and have been using, Red light therapy for about two and a half years, my symptoms have been relatively stable since I have been using this therapy. I would recommend this product.

Roger on 7 July 2020

Benefits of use of infra-red light

I have been using Well Red products for about 2 1/2 months. The Coronet has helped me with a long standing sleep problem and the tube has improved the flexibility in my hands which have been affected by osteo-arthritis and has also helped with the pain. I recommend these products.

Terri in WA, on 7 July 2020