The Design
At Well Red, our philosophy is to try to help as many people as possible who are suffering with neuro-degenerative conditions.
However, because of advanced age or because of their condition, a large proportion of sufferers has limited means, which can put many high-end photo-biomodulation devices out of their reach.
To address this, we set about designing the Duo Coronet with the goal of reducing manufacturing costs as much as possible, while maximising its effectiveness. So, out the window went unnecessary cosmetic mouldings, artwork and other stylistic features.
With the stylists ‘sacked’, the engineers took over, under the guidance of Dr Catherine Hamilton, with the brief of making the Duo Coronet as effective, comfortable and affordable as possible.
The eventual result of this brief, the Well Red Duo Coronet, has an open frame design that is the most efficient way of dissipating the heat produced by the high output LEDs. Other more closed designs have plastic cosmetic mouldings which can cause the heat to build up to uncomfortable levels. This heat build-up forces their designers to limit the power to a much lower level in order to keep temperatures down. This became obvious to us when we compared the light output of the Coronet with that of a well-known device costing 2 ½ times as much. The Duo Coronet is able to produce 34 times as much near-infrared light as the more expensive device because the heat produced is rapidly dissipated.
Additionally, the Duo Coronet has built-in temperature measurement, which limits the temperature of the device to a comfortable and safe level, even if it is accidentally left running - under a blanket, for example.
The consequence of this open frame design is that the Duo Coronet is extremely light, weighing in at only 130 grams (4.5 oz).
Since it is so very cool and light, it is therefore very comfortable to wear.
There has been absolutely no compromise on the engineering aspect.
We at Well Red are proud of the Duo Coronet and believe that it is the most effective and economical photobiomodulation device available, thus making it the best value for money.
Light output of a well-known device. 25% duty cycle at 10Hz NIR light - 80 mV detected.
Light output of the Well Red Coronet. 40% duty cycle at 40 Hz NIR light - 2750 mV detected (same experimental conditions).