Light and Neuroprotection
This medical journal article should have been posted ages ago. My apologies for being so slow in making it available to you.
Why and how does light therapy offer neuroprotection in Parkinson's disease?
It is an excellent two-page article by Prof John Mitrofanis, and it summarises clearly how red and near infrared light work on the brain cells in Parkinson's disease. Not only does light improve the function of the brain cells, it protects them, and gives them reasons to keep living and working.
Compare this with standard drug therapy for Parkinson's - various forms of levodopa. Leovodopa drugs help remaining brain cells to function, but they do not protect them, or stop them from dying. This is the reason that levodopa drugs eventually lose their effectiveness - the drugs can only work if there are enough brain cells alive.
Red and near infrared light keep the brain cells alive, and promote new brain cells to be made. It is a significant difference.