Knee arthritis
If you’ve ever read how this blog came about, you’ll know that osteoarthritis is a subject dear to my heart and right knee.
Mitochondria in the blood
Mitochondria get a lot of airplay in this blog. (Here's an early post.) The mitochondrial experts of the world have been blown away by new research. It seems that our blood not only contains the various sorts of red and white cells, but it also contains nomadic mitochondria.
LED Strips
LED strips are great for DIY projects, such as Cossack light hats, lights for helping arthritic fingers, a LED light wrap for back pain and so on.
Visual processing
Here’s a really interesting response to the blog post called Connecting with others. I have permission to use the correspondent’s own words:
Connecting with others
I’ve been observing people with Parkinson’s disease using trans-cranial red and near infrared light devices for nearly four years now. I’ve learned lots of things, especially how little I knew about the realities of living with this rotten, slippery disease.
Research summary
I was asked today if ongoing research into the effects of red and near infrared light on Parkinson’s disease is validating the early observations.